Monday, December 20, 2010

Govt 'creating vast domestic snooping machine'

Let's see....

The TSA is groping & scanning regular Americans, while allowing Muslims to carry weapons on planes.
The Government, via the FCC, is likely to take over the Internet any day now to impose their will thru "Net Neutrality."
So, naturally, they fear the Average Citizen.
I suppose we'll all be issued official 'papers' soon, and will have to produce them on demand, as well as allowing our vehicles, homes, and bodies to be detained and searched on demand.

Welcome to Amerika, Comerades.



Original Article;

The government is creating a vast domestic spying network to collect information about Americans in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks and subsequent terror plots, The Washington Post reported Monday.
The government is using for this purpose the FBI, local police, state homeland security offices and military criminal investigators, the daily added.
The system collects, stores and analyzes information about thousands of US citizens and residents, many of whom have not been accused of any wrongdoing, the report noted.
The government's goal is to have every state and local law enforcement agency in the country feed information to Washington to buttress the work of the FBI, noted the paper, which has conducted its own investigation of the matter.
According to the report, the network includes 4,058 federal, state and local organizations, each with its own counter-terrorism responsibilities and jurisdictions.
At least 935 of these organizations have been created since the 2001 attacks, The Post said.
The probe has revealed that technologies and techniques developed for use on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan have migrated into the hands of law enforcement agencies in the United States, the paper pointed out.
In addition, the FBI is building a database with the names and personal information of thousands of US citizens and residents, the report said.
The database is accessible to an increasing number of local law enforcement and military criminal investigators, the report noted.
In a bid to counter what is seen as a threat from radical Islam, some law enforcement agencies have hired as trainers people whose extremist views on Islam and terrorism are considered inaccurate and counterproductive by US intelligence agencies, the paper pointed out.
The cost of the network is difficult to measure, the paper said. But the Department of Homeland Security has given 31 billion dollars in grants since 2003 to state and local governments for homeland security and to improve their ability to find and protect against terrorists, The Post said.
Only this year, it gave 3.8 billion dollars to local law enforcement agencies.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Iranian-American man walks onto plane with loaded handgun while other stopped over harmless liquids

Original Article

Yeah, this inspires confidence, doesn't it?

Why the hell are we allowing this to happen--the total ignoring of our Constitutional rights, in the name of false security?

The TSA are an abysmal failure.

If they would go back to real screening, the way El AL does we would not have to be subjected to groping and near-pornographic "screening" by the scanners.
El AL simply uses humans to interview passengers, and yes, they also perform 'profiling'.

It works.
They have  had one plane hijacked in 30 years, and are considered the safest airline on the planet for a good reason.
Their system works.

Read about it here;

The REAL way to protect ourselves from Terrorism

They rely on extremely well trained people, and don't violate the passengers' civil rights in doing so.
Simple as that.


Monday promises to be interesting on the Korean Peninsula

South Korea set to begin live-fire drills Monday, despite threats of war from the North

from Reuters; 

On November 23, the last time Seoul conducted live firing drills from Yeonpyeong close to the disputed maritime border off the west coast of the peninsula, Pyongyang shelled the island, killing two civilians and two marines in the worst attack on South Korean territory since the Korean war ended in 1953.

North Korea warned last week that it would strike even harder if the latest drills went ahead. China and Russia have cautioned Seoul against holding the exercise, while the United States has backed South Korea's right to hold the drills.

Both sides have said they will use force to defend what they say is their territory off the west coast, raising international concern that the standoff could quickly spiral out of control.

South Korean officials said the North had been making military preparations similar to those observed ahead of last month's deadly clash, removing covers from coastal artillery and forward-deploying some artillery batteries.
Seoul defends the drills as routine and says it has been holding them on a monthly basis for years. China and Russia say holding the exercise now will only worsen tensions.
Seoul appears determined to go ahead with the drills, anxious to avoid a repeat of domestic criticism in November for its perceived weak response to the shelling of Yeonpyeong.

The South has said if it is attacked in the same manner as last month, it would hit back hard with air power and bombing.
Analysts were skeptical the North would carry through with its threats. The North will most probably respond by holding a live-fire drill on its side of the tensely guarded sea border if the South goes ahead with its exercise, they said.


Get ready, Monday promises to be very interesting.


Thoughts on the 'new' START Treaty

Why do we need a NEW treaty with Russia??

To help America?

I say no way it does anything other than assist Russia.
The new treaty would further hamper the US in weapons development, total number of warheads, and hamper (at best) or totally ban (at worst) any further Missile Defense technology development/deployment by the US.

That's what this is all about.

The Russians know the only way to "level the playing field" with the US is to block our existing & future Missile Defense technology.

And the amateur Obama & Co. are playing along.

If they want to create any sort of treaties with anyone, they need to turn their gaze further east, to the Chinese.

They are the only ones we need to worry about strategically.

We need to continue our Missile Defense tech, and deploy the hell out of it everywhere we can.

I promise you, the Chinese Communists won't be offering any treaties any time soon.

Call your Senators and let them know We the People DO NOT support the new START.


Government using "mobile screening units" to spy on average citizens

Are we Americans OK with this??

I am definitely NOT OK with it. 
Any of it.
Seems to me that this would be a definitive breach of my 5th Amendment rights, for starters.

Also, the Dept. of Homeland Security advertises this technology as being "up to 80% accurate".

"Up to" 80%??

Hell, my personal BS detector (looking you in the eye while I talk to you) is better than that.

Big Brother is not only watching us, he's feeling us up, "scanning" us, interrogating us.

Next, we'll be required to show our "papers" on demand.

This has got to be stopped ASAP.

I guarantee you, our Founding Fathers would NOT allow themselves to be treated like this.


Friday, December 17, 2010

North Korean Crisis deepens

News & personal opinions on this situation;
North Korea continues to threaten harsh retaliation towards South Korea if they continue with planned live-fire artillery drills on a front-line island the North bombed last month, saying it would hit back even harder than in the previous attack that killed four South Koreans.
South Korea has said it plans one-day, live-fire drills sometime between Saturday and Tuesday on Yeonpyeong, a tiny island that is home to fishing communities and military bases and sits just seven miles (11 kilometers) from North Korean shores. Seoul says the drills' timing will depend on weather and other factors and, despite the North's threats, the exercises will go ahead as planned.
A senior North Korean military official said in comments carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency that if South Korea goes ahead with more drills on Yeonpyeong, "unpredictable self-defensive strikes will be made."

"The intensity and scope of the strike will be more serious than the Nov. 23 (shelling)," the North said in the notice that was sent to South Korean military officials Friday. South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's government has faced stinging criticism that his military was unprepared for the attack and reacted too slowly and too weakly. He has since replaced his defense minister and vowed to boost troops and weapons on islands along the Koreas' disputed western sea border.

South Korea's Defense Ministry said Friday that the North's threats wouldn't stop the planned drills. Seoul has said they are part of "routine, justified" exercises and has warned that it is prepared to deal with any North Korean attack. Representatives of the American-led U.N. Command that oversees the armistice that ended the Korean War will observe the drills.

The tough words from the Koreas came as a high-profile U.S. state governor visited North Korea on Friday.
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who has frequently been an unofficial envoy to the North, said he wanted to visit the North's main nuclear complex and meet with senior officials during his four-day trip, though details of his schedule were unclear. He said ahead of the visit that he expected to get some sort of message from the North.
"My objective is to see if we can reduce the tension in the Korean peninsula," Richardson said at the airport in Pyongyang, according to Associated Press Television News.

Gen. James Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, voiced worry of a potential chain reaction of firing and counter-firing if the drill is misunderstood or if North Korea reacts negatively.
"What you don't want to have happen out of that is for us to lose control of the escalation," he told reporters at the Pentagon. "That's the concern."

My concern is that the Administration continues to fumble through this crisis, sending Bill Richardson to do their talking. Again, (see previous article below dated Dec. 13th) I ask-why Bill Richardson?

To me, this appears amateurish on the part of Obama & Co., and again I wonder what the North Koreans think of these lackadasical moves on the part of the Administration. 
Moreover, I wonder what South Korea thinks?

Americans shed our own precious blood beside our South Korean allies in years of deadly combat against the North Koreans and Chinese. 

Is this the best we can do for them?


Monday, December 13, 2010

Congressional Budget Office advises U.S. municipalities to go bankrupt

I strongly advise all to read the original Article;

CBO recommendations to Muni's--Default!!

The charts found there are a very disturbing graphic, as if the information here isn't enough already.

So, the US is going to die a death of a thousand cuts?

Sounds more like a death of 36,000 cuts.



from the Article;

You hear a lot about the states that are facing a financial wall. California, NY and Il are on top of the list. But that is a 2010 story. The 2011 story will shift toward the nations municipalities. There are 36,000 cities, towns, villages and boroughs across the land. They all are facing problems.

The local munis get the lions share of their revenue from three sources; direct payments from the State (30%), local property taxes (26%) and other revenues (22%). A total of nearly 80% of the muni revenue stream is now suspect.
Property tax revenue is also a risk. At the end of the day there is a relationship between the value of a property and the taxes that the property pays. With housing in the dumps now for two years (and with no prospect for any improvement) the tax base is falling apart. Where I live price are down about 40% from the 06 levels. One after another neighbors are petitioning the local authorities for relief based on lower values. RE agents who represent sellers tell their customers to go forward with the process before the house is listed. If the listing price is less than the value on the books, tax relief is granted. This process will accelerate. This is what the CBO had to say on the prospects of property taxes actually falling:

The decline in house prices implies that (tax) collections will probably fall in the coming years as local governments gradually update property tax assessments to reflect lower market values. On average, collections of property tax revenues lag behind changes in house prices by three years. Even small declines in collections could cause fiscal stress when the cost of providing public services is growing.

The largest contributor to Muni budgets is the states themselves. We know that the states are broke and have to cut costs, so this source of revenue has to be reduced.
What are the options for a cash strapped muni? Unlike state borrowers, munis can go bankrupt. (more than half have laws on the books permitting a chapter filing - including key ones). The CBO report provided an excellent set of reasons for munis to default:

Benefits of Bankruptcy

-One key advantage of bankruptcy is the “automatic stay,” which is issued by a court and prevents creditors from taking action against the municipality and its officials without approval from the court.

-Another important advantage of bankruptcy is that courts can implement a restructuring plan without the consent of every creditor.

-The bankruptcy process may also allow a municipal government to reduce its labor costs by facilitating the con- sent of employee unions to changes in labor contracts.

-While a stay is in place, bondholders cannot force municipal officials to raise taxes in order to make debt-service payments.

Over the past 30 years of the 18,400 muni borrowers only 54 have defaulted on their debt. An admirable track record. One that is unlikely to be continued over the next few years. Not a pretty picture for a muni investor. To top it off BABs (the last pillar of support for munis) is gone. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if some big Muni became the Greece of America in the near future.

Companion video to Bailout Scam Article bleow

Pay special attention starting at the 4:30 mark in the video;


Biggest Financial Scam In World History $12.3 TRILLION in U.S. taxpayers' money go to Foreign banks in secret bailout

"...What if the greatest scam ever perpetrated was blatantly exposed, and the US media didn’t cover it? Does that mean the scam could keep going? That’s what we are about to find out...."

Largest bailout scam in world history steals money from US taxpayers

The article referenced above is long, with a few embedded videos, so I chose not to post the article itself here.
I strongly urge you all to read the article in its entirety, as well as viewing the embedded videos.

Suffice it to say, we American taxpayers have been thoroughly screwed.
And the "mainstream" media are complicit in their lack of reporting.

Dear Lord.

There simply aren't enough zeroes to add the amount of money the Federal Reserve has stolen from the American People.


Tensions remain high on Korean Peninsula

I heartily applaud Admiral Mullen for having the fortitude to speak the truth during his visit to South Korea.

However, the White House is sending Governor Bill Richardson to speak directly to North Korea?

"....Mr Richardson, who has often acted as a diplomatic troubleshooter, has made regular visits to North Korea and has also hosted North Korean officials in New Mexico."

I had no idea this was so.

Personally, this move smacks of amateurism on the part of the Obama White House, and I wonder just how much power Mr. Richardson has to bargain on behalf of the US?

Just when I think they couldn't look any weaker or clumsy, they pull out the Bill Richardson card........



North Korea threatens South with Nuclear War

North Korea warned today that US-South Korean co-operation could bring nuclear war to the region.
The warning came as the South began artillery drills amid lingering tension nearly three weeks after the North's deadly shelling of a South Korean island.
The South's naval live-fire drills are due to run until Friday at 27 sites.
The regularly-scheduled exercises are getting special attention following a North Korean artillery attack on front-line Yeonpyeong Island that killed two South Korean marines and two civilians.
The November 23 artillery barrage, the North's first assault to target a civilian area since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War, began after the North said South Korea first fired artillery toward its territorial waters. South Korea said it fired shells southwards, not towards North Korea, as part of routine exercises.
After the attack South Korea staged joint military drills with the US and also pushed ahead with more artillery exercises, despite the North's warning that they would aggravate tension.
A South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff officer tried to play down the significance of this week's drills, saying they were part of routine military exercises and would not occur near the disputed western Korean sea border where last month's attack took place.
North Korea, however, lashed out at Seoul, accusing South Korea of collaborating with the US and Japan to step up pressure on Pyongyang.
That co-operation "is nothing but treachery escalating the tension between the North and the South and bringing the dark clouds of a nuclear war to hang over the Korean peninsula," Pyongyang's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper said in a commentary carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea has often issued similar threats during stand-offs.
In a show of unity, top diplomats from South Korea, the US and Japan met in Washington last week and said they would not resume negotiations aimed at persuading North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons programme until the country's behaviour changed.
Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited South Korea last week and warned Pyongyang to stop its "belligerent, reckless behaviour."
Meanwhile South Korean and US defence officials met in Seoul today for one-day discussions on North Korea and other issues that are part of regular defence talks, according to Seoul's Defence Ministry.
At the opening of the meeting, US deputy assistant secretary of defence Michael Schiffer said "the United States stands shoulder to shoulder with the Republic of Korea and with the Korean people in the face of recent North Korean provocations", referring to South Korea by its formal name.
Deputy secretary of state James Steinberg was also due to visit China later this week for talks on North Korea amid international pressure for Beijing to use its diplomatic clout to rein in North Korea, its ally.
After the China meeting, senior US officials accompanying Steinberg will travel on to Seoul and Tokyo, Japan.
New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, meanwhile, leaves the US for North Korea tomorrow. Mr Richardson, who has often acted as a diplomatic troubleshooter, has made regular visits to North Korea and has also hosted North Korean officials in New Mexico.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Liberalism=Progressivism= "Friendly Fascism"

Finally, it looks like columnists other than Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and a few others are beginning to awaken to the true dangers facing the Republic.

It's Progressivism, not "Liberalism", that is the true danger we face.




What's Next for Liberals? Friendly Fascism

 The Great Denial continues. The liberals continue to labor under the assumption that nothing very bad happened in early November. They are still supreme. The columnists go on as though nothing is amiss. This week, E.J. Dionne consulted with three defeated members of Congress and passed on to President Barack Obama their advice on how to succeed during the next two years. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues as if she is speaker for life, though it probably will be a generation until another Democrat holds the post. Mental illness can be amusing.

The fact is that the Democrats lost badly in the midterms, and they probably are going to lose again in 2012. The Republicans picked up six seats in the Senate and more than 60 in the House. They won 683 legislative seats nationwide and gained six governorships. That will give them a powerful say in redistricting. Moreover, in 2012, the Democrats have to defend 23 seats in the Senate, and they probably will lose the presidency, unless the Republicans run a platypus.

In truth, the Democrats have been living on borrowed time for years. Their philosophy is liberal, and outside of the academy, government employee labor unions and a few enthusiasts wedded to identity politics, liberalism is not very popular. In the most recent elections, liberals accounted for 20 percent of the vote. Conservatives accounted for 42 percent of the vote, and independents accounted for 29 percent and broke for the conservatives' positions. These figures have been about the same for nearly three decades.
Most polls show a margin of 40 percent for conservatives and 20 percent for liberals going back to the Reagan years. Even before that, conservatives clearly outnumbered liberals, which is why in the aftermath of the past two elections one had to wonder about the predictions of conservatism's demise. Where was 40 percent of the electorate to go? How could a minority of 20 percent govern the country for long?
Actually, the liberals have been hustlers for a long time. Remember in 2009 when Sam Tanenhaus wrote "The Death of Conservatism"? What did he have in mind? I read the book; it was not very obvious. Or James Carville, who wrote the similarly charnel "40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation." I did not read Carville's mendacious book, but what could he possibly have said? Did he talk policy? Did either of these two con men consult the numbers out there among average Americans? Or how about considering their ideas? Americans are alarmed by high deficits and grand political schemes. Actually, the whole world is alarmed. Now the bills are coming due for the European welfare states' entitlements, and there is not the money in Europe to pay for them. The street demonstrations of Greece are going to be Europe-wide before not too long, and we Americans want to avoid them. That is why we threw the big-spending liberals out in November.
Over the past two years, the liberals have shown their true colors. Faced with an entitlement crisis, they rang up trillion-dollar deficits. We now face the aforementioned entitlement crisis and gigantic budgetary problems — and liberals have no answer for them beyond the policy of tax and spend. They are going to be out of office for a long time. They lean toward calling themselves not liberals, but progressives. I have a better title for them: friendly fascists. The alacrity with which they sprang to support the takeovers of the giant banks and the automobile industry over the past two years suggests their program for the future: corporatism. All they need is a Mussolini and a bankrupt America. I think there is enough vitality in the land to avoid the latter. As for the former, Americans do not like uniforms very well.

R. Emmett Tyre's column

Friday, December 10, 2010

Bill Clinton to the rescue!!! Obama lets Clinton carry Press Conference

If there has ever been a more pathetic Presidential Press Conference in my 48 years on this planet, I would like to see it.
This is so surreal, I can hardly believe it.

One thing was definitely accomplised by the presser;

Saturday Night Live will certainly spoof the Hell out of this "Charlie Foxtrot" this weekend......


Obama Leaves Clinton to It from The Blaze on Vimeo.

The Top 10 Worst Economic Myths of 2010

Read the entire article at the link below for details on each of the "Top 10".


10. GM Repayment Shows Taxpayer Bailout Worked
9. All the Economy Needs is More Stimulus
8. Soda is Like Cocaine and Ads Cause Obesity
7. Obama the Tax Cutter
6. The Tea Parties are Astroturf, but Green Groups Aren't.
5. Despite Largest Budget in History, Obama is Fiscally Conservative
4. Lack of Press Freedom in Gulf Doesn't Point to Obama
3. Nearly 10 Percent Unemployment Isn't So Bad
2. ClimateGate? What ClimateGate?
1. The Chamber of Commerce is Taking "Secret Foreign Money" for Election

Read more:

Narcissist in Chief congratulates Nobel Peace Prize winner--by speaking about himself!!!

This guy kills me.

It's simply all about him.
From the Washington Examiner;
President Obama on the awarding of the prize to Liu in absentia. And this is how Obama's statement began:

One year ago, I was humbled to receive the Nobel Peace Prize -- an award that speaks to our highest aspirations, and that has been claimed by giants of history and courageous advocates who have sacrificed for freedom and justice.

Critics have often said of Obama that "it's all about him," that he has a tendency to reference himself no matter what subject he is discussing. Could he do any more to prove them right? But just to show that he is, in fact, humble, the president followed his opening sentence with this:

Mr. Liu Xiaobo is far more deserving of this award than I was.

In the rest of his statement, Obama writes that "We respect China's extraordinary accomplishment in lifting millions out of poverty, and believe that human rights include the dignity that comes with freedom from want." But of course, Liu wasn't at the Nobel ceremony in Oslo because of the Chinese government, so Obama adds, "Mr. Liu reminds us that human dignity also depends upon the advance of democracy, open society, and the rule of law. The values he espouses are universal, his struggle is peaceful, and he should be released as soon as possible." And then, before closing, the president makes one more reference to himself:

I regret that Mr. Liu and his wife were denied the opportunity to attend the ceremony that Michelle and I attended last year.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An absolute SCHOOLING on Capitalism vs Socialism

If you aren't aware of who Milton Freidman was, I strongly encourage you research this astoundingly intelligent man's life's work.

He was a Nobel Prize winning economist, an unapologetic believer in Capitalism, was an economic Advisor to President Reagan, and a true Patriot.

This video is 10 minutes long, the first of 5 (1 hour ) of a Phil Donahue episode in 1979, and he absolutely schools Donahue.
Pay special attention to his remarks (at 1:40) regarding the Federal Reserve and how it caused the Great Depression--it's a mirror image of how they're causing the Depression we face today.

HERE's the link to the video-I highly reccomend parts 2-5 as well 


North Korean attack may be a show of force by their "Dictator in waiting"

From the linked article listed below;

"North Korean expert Zhang Liangui told the Sydney Morning Herald that the attack was a deliberate act of brinksmanship to rally the military behind Kim Jong-il's anointed successor, Kim Jong-un.

Zhang, a professor at Beijing's Central Party School, told the Herald that he doesn't believe the attack will escalate tensions, but stressed that North Korea would do what it felt necessary to be recognized internationally as a nuclear state."


Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

Either way, it's a dangerous game to be playing, especially in light of the revelations over this past weekend that the North has 2,000 completed centrifuges.

If true, this would greatly expedite their nuclear weapons program.

Now there's word that South Korea is jockeying for the US to deploy nukes within their territority, to counter any nuclear threat from the North.

My question is this:

Does the Narcissist in Chief (Obama) have the stones to play these games?


North Korea attacks South Korean border island--is this the start of a major conflict?

One of the ways a major war, even a World War, could start is by a new Korean Conflict.

This may well be the beginning of one.

I have read numerous books written by retired Generals, Secretaries of State and the like, and all of them include a scenario where a new regional conflict erupts between the Koreas.

China backs the North, and the US (and others) back the South.

I sincerely hope this is just a skirmish, but I must admit I am doubtful that is the case.

Stay tuned.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Obama hides largest US arms deal in history--to US "ally" Saudi Arabia--why??

Even the Liberals are leery of this deal

The Saudis are officially a US 'ally', right??

What other US ally teaches hatred of Christians & Jews to their schoolchildren??

No, what we are doing with this deal is to destabilize the region in favor of a Shia regime overwhelmingly dominated by Israeli-hating old men in their 80's that would like nothing more than to see the downfall of the Jewish state in their remaining lifetimes.
We are arming the Saudis with weapons that could be used against Israel in a future Arab/Israeli conflict.
Saudi Arabia has not joined in any conflict against Israel in the past, likely due to their own military ineffectiveness, but this deal is going to change their military, almost instantly.

Bottom line?

Obama is no friend of Israel, and this deal is his way of striking a blow against them, under the auspices of an arms deal to a US "ally".

I'm calling BS on this deal.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Militant Anti-Tea Party National Socialist Strategy Session Calling for Head-Cracking Revolution

Hmm...... I wonder if this is how the Nazi "Brown Shirts" got their start??

For those who say the Tea Party is a GOP shill.......

This article is one of the best explanations I have seen of the most remarkable awakenings of my 48 years on earth.

What sparked the Tea Party?


It wasn't simply the election of Barack Hussein Obama.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More wonderful news.

Forgive me, but I just feel led to discuss hyperinflation and the possibility of food shortages.

I pray every day.
Along with my worship, and thanks for my blessings, I always ask for Him to show me the truth.
I ask for Him to lead me in the ways I should go, to help me see the truth, so that I might prepare myself and my loved ones for whatever troubles lie ahead.

So, whenever I feel led to study things like this, I go with it.

Call it Divine intervention, call it paranoia, call me a nut, religious zealot (which I'm not-I'm a Baptist...)
And no, I absolutely do NOT consider myself to be any sort of Prophet or soothsayer. I'm just a guy who has questions.

However, the truth is the truth, and too many people who are very much more intelligent than I are sounding these alarms.


How Hyperinflation Will Happen In America

Forgive me if I have posted this article, or referenced it before.
I think it is a very concise explanation of hyperinflation, and offers examples of some scenarios that could jumpstart it.

Read the post below first, then read this article.

I believe that serious food shortages are headed our way, preceded by food inflation (which is occurring NOW, if you haven't noticed), followed by general economic hyperinflation on a global scale.

I believe we should be.

Should we be prepared?
An absolute necessity.


I have been reading articles like these, albeit in, shall we say, 'less prestigious' publications, for the past couple of years now.
I, and others, have been sounding the alarm for over a year that food shortages, coupled with hyperinflation, are looming large.

Read on.




The spectre of inflation loomed over agricultural markets after the US slashed key crop forecasts and warned of shortfalls in grains.

The agriculture department on Tuesday cut estimates of US corn yields for a third successive month, forecast record soyabean exports to China and warned of the slimmest cotton stocks since 1925.

"The combined production shortfalls and dramatic potential stock drawdowns mean a much tighter supply picture than just a few months ago," the agency said in a separate grains report.
Benchmark Chicago corn futures soared above $6 a bushel for the first time since August 2008, before ending lower. Soyabeans rose 4.3 per cent and New York cotton futures posted a record above $1.51 a pound. The price rises have revived fears of a repeat of the global food crisis of 2007-08.

In Europe, milling wheat surpassed a peak reached after ­Russia banned grain exports in August in response to a devastating drought.
Abdolreza Abbassian, senior grains economist at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome, said the report was "alarming".

"It reiterates the tightening of the overall situation as we go into 2011, which means eventually even those basic food commodities that haven't risen so much could be influenced," he said. The FAO food price index is nearing the highs set in mid-2008.

The price gains will benefit farmers, who the USDA said would earn record amounts for corn this season. But consumers could face pain. Carlsberg, the brewer, on Tuesday warned of price increases as costs swelled for malt and barley. As northern hemisphere farmers contemplate next year's crop plans, surging prices could generate a so-called battle for acreage among different crops.
Dan Basse, president of AgResource, a Chicago crop forecaster, said: "The world cannot afford to lose any more crop production going forward."

Ricardo Leiman, chief executive of Noble, the trading house that is one of the top oilseed processors in China, cited "enormous demand" there because of "stronger economy, stronger habits, very strong feed milling margins and very strong prices domestically".

The USDA said corn yields in the US, the world's largest grower and exporter, would be 154.3 bushels per acre, down 1.5 bushels from an October forecast that was also a sharp downward revision. At 827m bushels, stocks left over from this year's harvest would be the lowest in 15 years. Record US ethanol production has added to demand.

China's surging demand looms large in cotton. The USDA took the rare step of lowering estimates of China's 2010 supply cushion, citing "shortages in mill inventories".
The USDA reduced its cotton demand estimate because of "supplies insufficient to meet demand".
Mike Stevens, a veteran Louisiana cotton broker, said: "The report is the most bullish in our lifetime."

Food price inflation rose at an annual rate of 8 per cent in China in September, according to USDA, whilst food inflation in the US has so far been tame, with the food index rising 1.4 per cent over the past 12 months.
Advisers scrambled to come to grips with the latest report, whose monthly appearance has caused big swings in agricultural markets.

Monday, November 8, 2010

China, Russia open fire at US in "Currency War"

There's trouble afoot.

Seriously, any thinking person knew that the Chinese and the Russians would not sit still for this.

They hold hundreds of billions in US Treasury bonds, and we expect them to sit still while we devalue our dollar by printing money?

The first thing I thought of last week when Bernanke made his announcement was "Oh, hell, I know what the damn Chinese are going to do...."

Of course, Bernanke & Obama knew it as well.

This is simply another move on the chessboard of ruination of the US Economy, a game being played out by the Chief Marxist & Co.




U.S. President Barack Obama defended the Federal Reserve's policy of printing dollars on Monday after China and Russia stepped up criticism ahead of this week's Group of 20 meeting.

The G20 summit has been pitched as a chance for leaders of the countries that account for 85 percent of world output to prevent a currency row escalating into a rush to protectionism that could imperil the global recovery.

But there is little sign of consensus.

The summit has been overshadowed by disagreements over the U.S. Federal Reserve's quantitative easing (QE) policy under which it will print money to buy $600 billion of government bonds, a move that could depress the dollar and cause a potentially destabilising flow of money into emerging economies.

"I will say that the Fed's mandate, my mandate, is to grow our economy. And that's not just good for the United States, that's good for the world as a whole," Obama said during a trip to India.

"And the worst thing that could happen to the world economy, not just ours, is if we end up being stuck with no growth or very limited growth," he said.

European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said all participants at a meeting of the world's central bankers in Basel, Switzerland had insisted they were not pursuing weak currency policies.

"We're attached to avoiding excessive volatility. It's very counterproductive for global growth and global stability," he told a news conference.


Washington has frequently criticised China, saying it deliberately undervalues its currency to boost exports.

China says the United States, via the Fed, is engaged in the same thing that it stands accused of, and some emerging nations have already acted to curb their currencies' rise.

Resentment abroad stems from worry that Fed pump-priming will hasten the U.S. dollar's slide and cause their currencies to shoot up in value, setting the stage for asset bubbles and making a future burst of inflation more likely.

"As a major reserve currency issuer, for the United States to launch a second round of quantitative easing at this time, we feel that it did not recognise its responsibility to stabilise global markets and did not think about the impact of excessive liquidity on emerging markets," Chinese Finance Vice Minister Zhu Guangyao said on Monday.

The Fed's quantitative easing policy was unveiled last week to jeers from emerging market powerhouses from Latin America to Asia. Russia renewed its assault on Monday.

"Russia's president will insist .... that such actions are taken with preliminary consultations with other members of the global economy," said Arkady Dvorkovich, a Russian official who is preparing the country's position in Seoul.

Bank of Japan Deputy Governor Hirohide Yamaguchi said on Monday that it too was ready to boost its asset-buying scheme if it saw clear signs of a downturn. Worth 5 trillion yen ($62 billion), it is so far just a tenth the size of the Fed's.


India is Obama's first stop in a 10-day trip to Asia that will include Indonesia and Japan.

He will arrive in Seoul for the Nov. 11-12 summit weakened by a crushing congressional election defeat for his Democratic Party and under fire from all sides. Germany described U.S. economic policy as "clueless" last week.

The U.S. has already all but dropped its centrepiece proposal for the G20 -- a measure that would cap current account balances at 4 percent of gross domestic product, something economists said was clearly aimed at China.

At the weekend, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner backed away from the numerical target that had been rejected by China, Germany, Japan and others in a sign that global financial power had slipped from U.S. hands.

On Monday, he was putting on a brave face, saying China was supportive of the G20's framework for rebalancing the global economy, and that he expected broad consensus on it at the summit.

The risk of a negative outcome in Seoul appears to be increasing, or at the very least, an agreement that merely papers over the huge gaps and allows countries to pursue their own economic policies whether it be intervening in currency markets like South Korea and Japan or printing dollars.

"Judging by the critical response of emerging market governments to QE, the likelihood of a ceasefire in the currency war is slim," RBC Capital markets said in a report published on Monday.

Basking in the glow.............

Ever since the victories scored in last Tuesday's elections, this blog has remained silent.

I have been in deep thought, considering my next words carefully.

I have consulted with a number of like-minded people, have debated the meanings of the various election results, and have attempted to come to conclusions to lingering questions.

#1- Does this really change anything?

#2- What next for the Movement?

My assessment of question # 1-- things had better change a lot.
If the new Republicans ( and the few "Conservative" Democrats that were re-elected) in both Houses of Congress go to Washington and become "co-opted" by the many Progressive 'RINO's' that were left out of last week's purges, they can expect to be looking for work again in a couple years. Just because the Tea Party supported them doesn't mean a thing if they go to Washington and stray from the beliefs of the people that elected them.

My fervent belief is that the Tea Party types such as myself, and the other true Conservatives that spoke resoundingly on Tuesday last have simply had enough of 'business as usual' in regards to our elected Representatives.
If they didn't understand that before, and especially since the elections, they are beyond hope any will be replaced at the next available opportunity.

There's an old saying-- "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Americans have been fooled repeatedly by our Representatives & Senators, even by the Presidents we have elected in good faith, based on campaign rhetoric.

This time around, based on my experiences of the past couple years, I know in my heart that the American public has been awakened in a way not seen in generations.
We are educating ourselves, arming ourselves with the truth, and are basing our decisions on the information that we ourselves are disovering, rather than the shallow promises and half truths of mealy mouthed campaigners.

So yes, I strongly believe a change has come.

And by God, we can change it again in two years if the Congressional Republicans don't back up their words with deeds.

And by the way, in 2012, the other 2/3 of the Senate will be up for re-election, along with the President, and all 435 Members of Congress.

Think the mid-terms were interesting?

You ain't seen nothin' yet.

In answering question #2, I must look ahead to 2012. Rather, I say we need to understand that November 2, 2010 was just this;

an opening salvo.

The real shots heard round the world will take place in November 2012, with the aforementioned enormous turnover of the remaining Senate Progressives, along with their Marxist Hero that currently resides at 1400 Pennsylvania Ave.

To accomplish these things, we have to remain vigilant, remain active, and keep ourselves current on events.

In the short run, if Pelosi is confirmed as Minority Leader, expect some serious 'lame-duck' action in Congress.
In the longer view, expect for the Democrats to attempt a shift towards the middle to try and save as many seats in 2012 as they possibly can.

What President Obama will do is anyone's guess.

My personal belief is that he will remain true to his arrogant self, and try to push his radical agendas. Look for recess appointments, Executive Orders and the like for the next two years.

We have to keep ourselves educated on events, and sound the alarm whenever possible.

The Republic is still in danger, and all True Patriots need to remain vigilant and realize that the outcome of the battle is yet to be decided.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Joke of the day

Just a bit of humor to lighten up the otherwise dreary day.

This is definitely going to be me later in life.
Everyone who's ever known me knows I rarely give a straight answer unless it's a life or death situation.

And depending on whose life and/or death it is, well........................... 


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Global food crisis forecast as prices reach record highs

This is extremely interesting.

I have heard many cautionary warnings over the past few years regarding an impending Food Crisis, worldwide, as well as countrywide in the US.

How feasible is it?

Personally, I think it would take an enormous catastrophe within the US to cause a food production crisis.

However, I can certainly believe that economic causes could contribute to some sort of catastrophic event, or chain of events that could result in a food crisis.

Interesting reading, nonetheless.


LINK to article

Germany Calls Out Geithner's Hypocrisy, Says Money Printing Is FX Intervention

MORE proof that Geithner/Bernanke are destroying our Country


Leave it to Zerohedge to say it as plain as vanilla;


from the article linked above;

After months of US bitching and moaning about China's so called unfair exchange policies, when it is the US Fed which is the biggest currency manipulator in the world by orders of magnitude, one country finally had the guts to stand up and call out Tim Geithner on his endless bullshit. At the G-20 meeting, per Bloomberg, German Economic Minister Rainer Bruederle said that the Fed's "push toward easier monetary policy is the “wrong way” to stimulate growth and may amount to a manipulation of the dollar. Excessive, permanent money creation in my opinion is an indirect manipulation of an exchange rate." The fact that China was smart enough to peg its currency to the most rapidly devaluing currency in the world is a different story altogether, and merely confirms that they are leap and bounds more sophisticated in their monetary policy than anyone gives them credit for. If Geithner wants to prevent a relative depreciation of the Yuan versus all other currencies in the world (especially the EUR, against which it continues to be in freefall), the answer is simple: stop bloody printing!
And with Tim Geithner present, could the G20 meeting possibly not end up being a total farce? Of course not:
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner dismissed prospects of mounting criticism of the Fed’s approach in his press conference after the G-20 meeting yesterday. When asked whether he expected Germany’s criticisms to gain steam, he replied: “I do not.”
In the future, when asked if he ever had problems with being called an idiot and a moron by virtually everyone, Tim Geithner will have the same reply.
And the stand cup comedy continued.
The Treasury chief declined to comment directly on the Fed’s policy, while also saying that major economies like the U.S. need to make growth a top priority. One of the global imbalances is the disparity between rapidly expanding emerging- market economies and too-slow growth in developed nations, he said.

“We are going to continue to try to strengthen the recovery under way so we can dig out of this as quickly as we can,” Geithner said.
In other words, the Fed will celebrate the recovery "under way" by printing another $1.5 trillion in money.
It has gotten so bad that Germany is now directly siding with Brazil which spat in the face of America and decided to not even show up, demonstrating just what it thinks of Geithner's endless hypocrisy.

Bernanke Asset Purchases Risk Unleashing 1970s Inflation Genie

LINK to article

Yeah, let's buy up our country's debt.

How, you might ask?
Isn't the country nearly broke?

Well, instead of cutting Government spending, reducing the size  of said Gov't, instead of reducing taxes to stimulate spending & job creation, our resident genius at the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, says we'll just reduce interest rates, print more money and buy our own debt with the worthless paper.

This has been tried before.

This is how inflation is created, which in the case of the US, will surely turn to hyperinflation as our money is nearly worthless now, and will become even more so when the printing presses go back into overtime paper production.

Google the Weimar Republic. And for God's sake, stay away from Progressive Liberal sites like Wikipedia when you research it.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time for the US to leave Afghanistan?

If the US fought wars the way we used to, the way we ought to, the way I was taught as a soldier, there wouldn't be any reason for me to ask this question.

This morning, the first thing I read in the Sunday newspaper was the story of a young local Marine who recently lost both legs, had both hands & arms severely damaged in an IED blast.
It was a heart-wrenching story, to say the least.
Statistics show there have been over 1000 coalition wounded this year alone, with over 1800 in 2009.

And we're no closer to wiping out the Taliban, or Al Qaeda than ever.
The Afghan Government is showing themselves to be quite corrupt, it seems.

Well, as it turns out, the second thing I read in the paper, was an article originally published in the NY Times.

The first article made me cry.
The second one made me curse.

It seems that the Afghan Government is taking money-millions in cash-from Iran, funneled thru Europe to President Karzai's most trusted aide, Umar Daudzai, to "buy the loyalty of Daudzai and promote Iran's interests in the Presidential Palace..."

Here's the original article;


Iran is said to give top Karzai Aide cash by the bagful

KABUL, Afghanistan — One evening last August, as President Hamid Karzai wrapped up an official visit to Iran, his personal plane sat on the airport tarmac, waiting for a late-running passenger: Iran’s ambassador to Afghanistan.
The ambassador, Feda Hussein Maliki, finally appeared, taking a seat next to Umar Daudzai, Mr. Karzai’s chief of staff and his most trusted confidant. According to an Afghan official on the plane, Mr. Maliki handed Mr. Daudzai a large plastic bag bulging with packets of euro bills. A second Afghan official confirmed that Mr. Daudzai carried home a large bag of cash.
“This is the Iranian money,” said an Afghan official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “Many of us noticed this.”
The bag of money is part of a secret, steady stream of Iranian cash intended to buy the loyalty of Mr. Daudzai and promote Iran’s interests in the presidential palace, according to Afghan and Western officials here. Iran uses its influence to help drive a wedge between the Afghans and their American and NATO benefactors, they say.
The payments, which officials say total millions of dollars, form an off-the-books fund that Mr. Daudzai and Mr. Karzai have used to pay Afghan lawmakers, tribal elders and even Taliban commanders to secure their loyalty, the officials said.
“It’s basically a presidential slush fund,” a Western official in Kabul said of the Iranian-supplied money. “Daudzai’s mission is to advance Iranian interests.”
The Western and Afghan officials interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the delicacy of discussing the financial dealings of Mr. Karzai and his aide. The sources said they were motivated by a concern that Mr. Daudzai was helping to poison relations between Mr. Karzai and the United States. Mr. Daudzai and Mr. Karzai both declined to respond to written questions about their relationship with Iran. An aide to Mr. Daudzai dismissed the allegations as “rubbish.”
Mr. Maliki, the Iranian ambassador in Kabul, also declined to answer questions. A spokesman for Mr. Maliki called the allegations “devilish gossip by the West and foreign media.”
The Iranian payments are intended to secure the allegiance of Mr. Daudzai, a former ambassador to Iran who consistently advocates an anti-Western line to Mr. Karzai, the officials said. Mr. Daudzai briefs Mr. Karzai each morning.
“Karzai knows that without the U.S., he is finished,” an associate of the president said. “But it’s like voodoo. Daudzai is the source of all the problems with the U.S. He is systematically feeding him misinformation, disinformation and wrong information.”
The payments to Mr. Daudzai illustrate the degree to which the Iranian government has penetrated Mr. Karzai’s inner circle despite his presumed alliance with the United States and the other NATO countries, which have sustained him with military forces and billions of dollars since the Taliban’s ouster since 2001.
Earlier this year, Mr. Karzai invited the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to the presidential palace, where Mr. Ahmadinejad gave a virulently anti-American speech. When Mr. Ahmadinejad visited Kabul, he brought two boxes of cash, an Afghan official said. “One box was for Daudzai personally, the other for the palace,” the official said.
A senior NATO officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, declined to discuss whether Mr. Daudzai was receiving money from Iran. But he said that the Iranian government was conducting an aggressive campaign inside Afghanistan to undermine the American and NATO mission and to gain influence in politics.
The NATO officer said Iran’s intelligence agencies were playing both sides of the conflict, providing financing, weapons and training to the Taliban. Iranian agents also financed the campaigns of several Afghans who ran in last month’s parliamentary election, the NATO officer said.
The Iranian intelligence services have developed the ability to assassinate opponents and attack American troops inside the country, the NATO officer said.
“I am very concerned that they have a lethal capability and presence inside Afghanistan and Kabul,” the officer said.
Obama administration officials have expressed alarm about Iranian intentions. Last week, Richard C. Holbrooke, the administration’s special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan, complained to Afghanistan’s finance minister, Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal, about Mr. Daudzai and Iran’s influence in the presidential palace, a former Afghan official said.
Mr. Holbrooke did not respond to requests for comment. In an interview, Mr. Zakhilwal declined to talk about the discussion with Mr. Holbrooke or about any Iranian activities in Afghanistan.
“We have no choice but to be friendly with Iran,” Mr. Zakhilwal said. “It’s a hostile neighborhood.”
Mr. Daudzai is part of a group of Afghans around Mr. Karzai whose members once belonged to Hezb-i-Islami, a hard-line Islamist group that fought the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The group, loosely allied with the Taliban, is still fighting NATO forces and the Afghan government.
Hezb-i-Islami’s leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, was one of the most brutal of Afghan warlords. During the civil war in the 1990s, his forces conducted an extended bombardment of Kabul, killing thousands of civilians. Since 2001, Mr. Hekmatyar has spent at least part of the time living under the protection of the Iranian government. The group also has long-standing ties to Pakistan’s intelligence services, which maintain links to the Taliban.
Current and former Afghan officials say the Iranian government began financing Mr. Karzai before Mr. Daudzai became his chief of staff in 2003. It is not clear when Mr. Daudzai became a conduit for Iranian cash. In 2005, he was named ambassador to Iran. It was then, one Afghan official said, that Mr. Daudzai became acquainted with Iranian intelligence officials and grew close to senior Iranian leaders like Mr. Ahmadinejad.
Mr. Daudzai returned to Kabul in 2007 to resume his job as chief of staff. Since then, officials said, Mr. Daudzai has maintained a close relationship with the Iranian ambassador. Iranian officials have nearly unfettered access to Mr. Karzai’s palace, bypassing the normal rules of protocol.
“The relationship is intimate,” an Afghan political leader said of Mr. Daudzai and the Iranians.
Accounts vary as to how much Iranian money flow into the presidential palace. An Afghan political leader said he believed that Mr. Daudzai received between $1 million and $2 million every other month. A former diplomat who served in Afghanistan said sometimes single payments totaled as much as $6 million.
One former Afghan official said the money appeared to be kept in a safe in Mr. Daudzai’s office.
It is not clear whether Mr. Daudzai takes any of the money himself or whether he is the only conduit. But Afghan and Western officials say Mr. Daudzai owns at least six homes in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, and in Vancouver, British Columbia, acquired during his time as Mr. Karzai’s top aide.
One Afghan official said Mr. Daudzai used his power over Mr. Karzai’s schedule to ensure that Afghans who saw him registered complaints about the American presence in the country and the deaths of Afghan civilians in the war. “This is the strategy,” the Afghan official said.
Mr. Daudzai’s efforts on Iran’s behalf have met with some resistance. According to the Western official, Mr. Daudzai ran afoul of Afghan intelligence officials when he tried to help some Iranian businesses set up operations in Kabul. The Afghan intelligence officials believed that the Iranian officials were fronts for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, a powerful wing of the Iranian military.
The Iranian businesses were shut down by the National Directorate of Security, the Western official said. But not for long.
“Daudzai helped them get going, then N.D.S. closed them down, but then they reopened again,” the Western official said. An Afghan official confirmed the account.
Iranians get involved in other parts of Afghanistan’s political life as well. The Iranian ambassador is trying to sway the choice of speaker of the lower house of Parliament, Afghans said. According to an Afghan official, Mr. Maliki recently called Mirwais Yasini, a candidate for the speaker’s job, and urged him to step aside in favor of Yunus Qanooni

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

TIME (rag)agazine is fanning the flames of civil unrest, points at Tea Party as likely to revolt in Civil War

What a bunch of Progressive, usefully idiotic hacks that write for TIME.

TIME says that the Tea Party, Ron Paul among others, are likely to start a civil war.
I am rarely, if ever speechless, but when I first read this tripe, I had to seriously sit and consider my words carefully.

The author of this article, and the editors at TIME, are showing themselves to be nothing short of trash perveyors, attempting to create news.

To blatantly suggest that the Tea Party is in any way connected to Militia organizations is not only untrue, but sensationally so.

Please read this literary fecal matter, and see what you think.

( I seriously chopped up the original article to keep it under 500 words. Wouldn't want big old TIME getting offended by infringement on their property)

Go to the website here to read all the article;

From the article (empahsis added by yours truly);


".......What is the most likely cause today of civil unrest? Immigration. Gay Marriage. Abortion. The Results of Election Day. The Mosque at Ground Zero. Nope.

Try the Federal Reserve. November 3rd is when the Federal Reserve's next policy committee meeting ends, and if you thought this was just another boring money meeting you would be wrong. It could be the most important meeting in Fed history, maybe. The US central bank is expected to announce its next move to boost the faltering economic recovery. To say there has been considerable debate and anxiety among Fed watchers about what the central bank should do would be an understatement. Chairman Ben Bernanke has indicated in recent speeches that the central bank plans to try to drive down already low-interest rates by buying up long-term bonds. A number of people both inside the Fed and out believe this is the wrong move.

But one website seems to believe that Ben's plan might actually lead to armed conflict. Last week, the blog, Zerohedge wrote, paraphrasing a top economic forecaster David Rosenberg, that it believed the Fed's plan is not only moronic, but "positions US society one step closer to civil war if not worse."

I'm not sure what "if not worse," is supposed to mean. But, with the Tea Party gaining followers, the idea of civil war over economic issues doesn't seem that far-fetched these days. And Ron Paul definitely thinks the Fed should be ended. In TIME's recently cover story on the militia movement many said these groups are powder kegs looking for a catalyst.

So why not a Fed policy committee meeting. Still, I'm not convinced we are headed for Fedamageddon. That being said, the Fed's early November meeting is an important one. Not everyone agrees this is a good move. In fact, a number of presidents of regional Fed banks, not all of which get to vote at Fed policy meetings, have recently come out against Bernanke's plans. Some say it sets bad policy. Others think it will stoke inflation, which might be the point. Few, though, have warned of armed conflict. Here's how Zerohedge justifies its prediction of why the Fed's Nov. 3rd meeting will lead to violence:
In a very real sense, Bernanke is throwing Granny and Grandpa down the stairs - on purpose. He is literally threatening those at the lower end of the economic strata, along with all who are retired, with starvation and death, and in a just nation where the rule of law controlled instead of being abused by the kleptocrats he would be facing charges of Seditious Conspiracy, as his policies will inevitably lead to the destruction of our republic.
......So it seems clear what the Fed is likely to do. How the economy, the militias and the rest of us react is up in the air. The count down is on. T minus 15 days to Fedamageddon. See you there, hopefully....."

Christine O'Donnell is correct--Separation of Church and State is a myth perpetrated by the Left in America

I've said it thousands of times, have debated with friend & foe alike: Nowhere in the US Constitution is there any semblance of a reference to any "separation" of Church and State.

Instead, the document seeks to protect citizens from Government interference in the practice of whatever faith we choose to profess. Moreover, it protects our right to profess that Faith, in whatever manner we may choose.

Progressives have assailed this basic right for generations, and seized on an obscure ruling by a Supreme Court Justice in 1947 to "prove" their point.

 Further study reveals that the "separation" that Progressives so desperately covet is nowhere to be found in any legal document, simply in a letter from Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to a Baptist organization.

I applaud Ms. O'Donnell in her studied efforts, and I laugh out loud at the ridiculous, misinformed media and students present at the debate Tuesday who simply believe the lies they've all been taught.



Original Article HERE

First Amendment: A law school audience fell into fits of laughter when a Senate candidate asked, "Where in the Constitution is separation of Church and State?" In fact, the phrase is nowhere in the document.
Tuesday's debate between Delaware's U.S. Senate hopefuls before what was described as a crowd of "legal scholars and law students" at Widener University Law School in Wilmington generated quite some mirth among the assembled elites.
Tea Party-favored Republican nominee Christine O'Donnell had the temerity to ask her opponent to cite the provision of the Constitution that separates church and state.
There is, of course, no such passage. Those scoffing law scholars might want to look at the Constitution's unadorned text instead of the judicial activist law review articles that take up so much of their day.
What the Constitution does say, in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, is that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" — a restriction imposed upon the state to prevent its interference in religious practice.
Talk-radio king and Landmark Legal Foundation President Mark R. Levin explained the confusion of liberal judges and trial lawyers in his 2005 book, "Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America."
The "Wall of Separation" phrase comes not from the Constitution, but from President Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. As Levin notes, the obscure comment was virtually ignored for nearly a century and a half. It wasn't until 1947 when Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black ruled in the Everson case — which actually upheld the use of taxpayer money to transport children to Catholic and other parochial schools — that the Jefferson metaphor was used to establish "the anti-religious precedent that has done so much damage to religious freedom."

Dems have raised more than $1 million this cycle from foreign-affiliated PACs

Read the rest of the Article at The

So, the next time you hear President Obama railing at the Republicans receiving donations from various Chambers of Commerce, and other half-truth drivel, remember this;

The Democrats are the masters of PAC money.


Democratic leaders in the House and Senate alleging GOP groups have funneled foreign money into campaign ads have seen their party raise more than $1 million from political action committees affiliated with foreign companies.

House and Senate Democrats have received about $1.02 million this cycle from such PACs, according to an analysis compiled for The Hill by the Center for Responsive Politics. House and Senate GOP leaders have taken almost $510,000 from PACs on the same list.

The PACS are funded entirely by contributions from U.S. employees of subsidiaries of foreign companies. All of the contributions are made public under Federal Elections Commission rules, and the PACs affiliated with the subsidiaries of foreign corporations are governed by the same rules that American firms' PACs or other PACs would face.

"This is not foreign money per-se, but these PACs are certainly populated by people who work for foreign companies," said Dave Levinthal, a spokesman for the Center for Responsive Politics.

“Foreign companies and foreign governments can lobby Congress, and that is probably one area where they have a measurable effect on politics,” Levinthal explained. “Foreign-subsidiary political action committees is about as close as you can get.”

Republicans with groups under fire from the White House say the hefty campaign contributions illustrate Democratic hypocrisy.

“Barack Obama criticized the Supreme Court and his adversaries over the bogus charge of foreign money tainting elections — while leaders in his own party had taken more than a million dollars from the foreign cookie jar,” said Jonathan Collegio, a spokesman for American Crossroads, the political group at the center of the controversy.

“The hypocrisy here is just stunning,” he said.



From Progressives??

I'm shocked--SHOCKED, I say!!!

"....Despite President Obama and the Dems’ accusations, both the Chamber and American Crossroads have vehemently denied accepting foreign dollars for use in domestic political efforts and Democrats have acknowledged that they have no evidence that the groups are accepting money from abroad and using it to fund political messages. Instead, Dems argue that “in the absence of tougher campaign disclosure rules, it’s entirely possible,” The Hill reports.

And it's also 'entirely possible' that the Progressives are simply liars. Gee, ya think???--T.W.

Are Democrats Buying Senior Votes for $250?

The rest of the Article can be found HERE

Somebody please explain to me why is it legal for there to be any sort of monetary changes to entitlement programs during an election cycle??

No matter which Party is in power, it is simply wrong to use entitlement programs to buy votes.

This particular strategy is as transparent as a glass of H2O.  T.W.


Democrats are making a pre-election pitch to give Social Security recipients a one-time payment of $250, part of a larger effort to convince senior voters that their party, and not Republicans, will best look out for the 58 million people who get the government retirement and disability benefits.

The $250 check is meant to make up for a second year without a cost-of-living increase due to low inflation.

President Barack Obama has urged Congress to approve the $250 payment. House and Senate Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid say they will bring up the legislation when lawmakers return for the lame-duck session in November. In the meantime, Democrats are using the proposal to augment their campaign pitch that Republicans would undermine Social Security.

“Instead of helping seniors,” Pelosi’s office said, “Republicans, backed by their allies on Wall Street, are threatening to privatize and cut Social Security, just as they tried to do under President Bush.”

Added Reid, “The only thing standing in the way of America’s seniors receiving this critical support are Senate Republicans.”

Actually, 12 Democrats and one independent who aligns himself with Democrats joined 37 Republicans in blocking the $250 bonus when Senate voted on the issue last March. Two of the Senate Democrats who voted against it then, Michael Bennet of Colorado and Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, are engaged in tough campaign battles to keep their seats.

Democratic leaders in the House never brought the issue up for a vote. Obama first asked Congress for the $250 payment last February.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Poll: Obama has lost one-quarter of his 2008 supporters

Hope and Change.

LINK to Article 

How's that working out for you, Barack?

Seems that a full 1/2 of former Obama supporters are hoping there's a change..............


NAACP report to tie Tea Party Movement to 'Hate Groups'

I have no doubt that there are racists within the Tea Party movement.

I also have no doubt there are racists within the NAACP.

I have no doubt whatsoever that there are racists in your local PTA, Police & Fire Dept.'s, Teachers associations, church groups, and every street in the country.

Racists exist everywhere there are people.

However, I personally consider the NAACP to be the largest racist group in the country, if not the world.

I am nearly 3/4 Cherokee, with the remainder of my genetic makeup a mix of Scots Irish.

The NAACP is, and always has been, offensive to me personally,  as "a person of color".

I wonder what their leadership  ans individual members think about the "New Black Panther Party"?

Aren't they a 'Hate Group?



Original Article Link

The NAACP is continuing its sharp criticism of the Tea Party movement, releasing a report later this week that it says will detail "various associations between Tea Party organizations and acknowledged hate groups in the United States."

The group's board recently ratified a resolution calling on tea partiers to repudiate racists in their ranks, something that's rankled grassroots conservatives, who have turned allegations of racism into a kind of organizing point.
“These groups and individuals are out there, and we ignore them at our own peril,” says NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Jealous in the advisory. “They are speaking at Tea Party events, recruiting at rallies and in some cases remain in the Tea Party leadership itself. The danger is not that the majority of Tea Party members share their views, but that left unchecked, these extremists might indirectly influence the direction of the Tea Party and therefore the direction of our country: moving it backward and not forward.”
The report isn't yet online, but the press release has a bit of the substance:
The faction is led by the executive director of the Minuteman Project, a nativist organization that has in the past been associated with the murder of migrant Mexican workers as part of its vigilante “border operations”. Roan Garcia-Quintana, “advisor and media spokesman” for the 2010 Tax Day Tea Party and member of ResistNet, also serves on the National Board of Directors of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC), the lineal descendent of the Council of White Citizens. In Texas, Wood County Tea Party leader Karen Pack was once listed as an “official supporter” of Thom Robb’s Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, a modern-day white supremacist organization.
The attempt to paint a very diffuse movement with a pretty broad brush will no doubt infuriate grassroots conservatives.