You see, I am 5/8 Cherokee.
I have seen racism, even had it directed towards me and my family.
It is ugly, hateful, and hurtful to ALL concerned.
However, I am first, last, and always an AMERICAN.
The president shared a hush-hush meal with Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party Tuesday at the Warwick Hotel on West 54th Street.Farrakhan has a history of meeting with controversial foreign leaders and has been criticized for being anti-Semitic. In 1984, Farrakhan traveled with Rev. Jeremiah Wright to meet with Libya’s de facto leader Muammar Khadafi.
The meeting of the podium smackers took place in a banquet room, where the fiery leaders presumably exchanged theories on what’s wrong with the world.
Now that nation called Israel never has had any peace in 40 years and she will never have any peace because there can be no peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your gutter religion under His holy and righteous name.The Post characterized Ahmadinejad’s New York visit as “paranoia on parade,” noting that the foreign leaders’ traveling entourage took up about 90 hotel rooms with more than 20 for security alone.
"We have an electorate that doesn't always pay that much attention to what's going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what's happening."Kerry made the remarks following questions about the re-election campaign of Barney Frank. Doubling down on the fact-challenged voter assertion, he stated:
"I think a lot of the anger today ... is not directed at the right people. Barney is prepared, as others are, to explain what we're doing. I think when people hear the facts and they see what we're doing, it frankly makes sense."Be sure to explain it. Very. Slowly.
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."Regarding Kerry's recent snobbery, William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection points out that it's not uneducated voters that are the problem; it's Democrats that are simply out of touch.
Bob Woodward has a new book out, "Obama's Wars", which, so far, seems to be quite insightful.
Read the article above. Very enlightening.
I may actually buy this one.
And if they are, why is anyone surprised?
These people are radical Marxists, thru and thru.
Pay attention, people.
Folks like Van Jones, John Holdren, Cass Sunstein, George Soros, the list goes on and on--all either current, former Obama Administration members, or close advisers, are all self admitted Marxists.
This article from the Weekly Standard takes it much further;
Welcome to the United Socialist States of Amerika........
These people ain't playing around, theyre busy as hell trying to destroy our system from within, by whatever means necessary.
The LameStream Media in America simply doesn't understand anyone, or any group, whose views aren't rampantly Progressive.
I really don't know much about Ms. O'Donnell in Delaware, but I do know she's supported by the Tea Party establishment there.
All across America, the silent majority has awakened, and we are showing our anger at the polls.
Nopw, just because you speak the right words and have Tea Party backing doesn't automatically get you my vote, and I think I speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
No, we are much smarter than given credit for.
Personally, I research the Candidates exhaustively, see where they've been politically, read and listen to old speeches and interviews, read articles, whatever I can get my hands on.
The Progressive LameStream media simply doesn't know how to handle us.
We are the majority of Americans.
We are not just Republicans or "Conservative" Democrats.
We are informed on the issues, and we do our homework.
We are mad as Hell, and we are NOT going away.
And worst of all, especially for incumbent politicians, WE ARE COMING TO THE POLLS TO FIRE YOUR SORRY ASSES!
Well, Jimmy Carter, who I personally consider to have been probably the most ineffective President in history, certainly modern history, is hawking a new book.
He wants us to believe that he actually accomplished something during his pitiful tenure in the White House.
Sorry, I remember all too well Operation Eagle Claw on 24 April 1980. Google that one.
I was a young Army recruit just finishing High School, and remember the Iran Hostage crisis like it was yesterday. It lasted 444 days, and I remember seeing that big ass sign going into Ft. Benning every day "America Held Hostage ____ days".
Thank God Reagan won the election & scared Hell out of the bastards.
Carter has the absolute conceited audacity to comment in the interview with Matt Lauer,
"...the former President claimed if "all my reforms" had "taken effect" the United States wouldn't be having any energy problems right now and hoped that by 2012 any influence of the Tea Party would be "dissipated."
Holy crap, gimme a break.
Read the interview transcript at the website linked above.
And for God's sake, have a puke bucket handy.
I have an issue.
I love Sarah Palin.
I can't help it.
Not a romantic, sexual thing, mind you, but doggone it, I can't help myself.
She's a stalwart, unapologetic Conservative of the Reagan variety, one like we've not seen since.
Granted, she isn't nearly as adept in front of the TV cameras as Reagan, but who is?
I keep wishing beyond hope that somewhere out there, another George Washington is going to rise from obscurity and take the country by storm with genuine, heartfelt speeches outlining a plan to return us to our glory days of smaller government, fiscal soundness, economic solidity, and military responsiblity.
Look around for true Conservatives.
Tim Pawlenty?
Mitt Romney?
Newt Gingrich?
Mike Huckabee?
John McCain?
Haley Barbour?
Here's a pretty good outline of some of the top Republican hopefuls.
See what I mean??
I like Mike Huckabee, mainly because he support the Fair Tax, but I think he would be a total longshot.
As of right now, unless someone else pops up and convinces me they're truly a small-government Conservative, I'm firmly behind Sarah Palin.
She definitely isn't a mainstream GOP sellout like all but one off the previous list (Huckabee).
I think she truly, honestly believes in the values and ideals of small government Conservatism.
And hey, she's pissing off the establishment RINO's, so she's got that going for her......
The GOP can ill afford to anger the Tea Party movement any more than they already have by refusing to back most of the Tea Party candidates thus far.
If the GOP wants to win, they had better learn that Conservatives, Independents, even a portion of Democrats ARE the Tea Party.
This has potential to escalate. I don't see it being a major factor in 2010, but if the GOP pursues this course, it could have enormous ramifications. Imagine, if you will, what the GOP would look like if the Tea Party movement truly became organized, and decided it was time to create a truly Conservative, small-government political Party.
The GOP would automatically become the third-place party.
They need to pull their craniums from their behinds and embrace the coming change, or they will soon find themselves without jobs.
Frim the new book 'Carla and the Ambitious',
Maybe the First lady was having a bad day when asked the question.
The Mortgage foreclosure crisis is far from over. Round 2 has started with a vengeance, and commercial real estate is headed for the same thing.
Personally, I think he's almost 'un-electable' in 2012.
However, this DVD looks very interesting, and I may throw $20 at it.
About The Film;
America At Risk, hosted by Newt and Callista Gingrich, vividly demonstrates the dangers facing America, one decade after the attacks on 9/11.
Today, Washington refuses to tell the truth about the war we are fighting. According to experts, we are at war with radical Islamists - and it is a war we are losing.
The Global War on Terror has been renamed the "Overseas Contingency Operation" by the Obama Administration. They have removed "Islamic extremism" and "jihad" from national security strategy documents. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has suggested we replace the word "terrorism" with "man-caused disasters."
But how do we win a war with an enemy the Obama Administration refuses to identify?
We are long overdue for a serious global strategy in fighting terrorism and the ideology behind it. We must have the courage to tell the truth and to act on that truth. It's time to be honest about what we know.
It's looking more and more like Obama's hired gun, Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is planning on driving private insurors out of business.
from the link above;
"Yesterday, she sent a public letter to the head of a health insurance industry group demanding that carriers stop "falsely blaming premium increases for 2011 on the patient protections in the Affordable Care Act," and that "that there will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases."
She reinforced her short-term threat with a longer-term one:
We will also keep track of insurers with a record of unjustified rate increases: those plans may be excluded from health insurance Exchanges in 2014. Simply stated, we will not stand idly by as insurers blame their premium hikes and increased profits on the requirement that they provide consumers with basic protections.
When Sebelius threatens exclusion from the "Exchanges," she is really saying: "Shut up and eat your costs, or you'll be out of business in a few years." "
Well, to me this sounds like what I've been saying all along;
They are going to drive private insurors out of business, legally, using the provisions of the Obamacare legislation passed this past spring (y ou know, the one our Representatives didn't read before voting on it?? )
They have said all along they wanted a 'single-payor' (government) system of Healthcare, and this is how they are going to go about it.
Please remember your elected Representative come November.
Look at their voting records.
If they voted for the Obamacare legislation, aka the "Affordable Care Act" on March 23, 2010, YOU need to vote against them in November.
He also denounces Iran for "anti-Semitism."
I guess somebody better check the temperature in Hell next..........
I've been reporting on this for a couple of years now. Not just the world, but the US is facing something no Army can defeat; food shortages.
Parts of Arizona under control of Mexican Drug Cartels Once again I cry--you have GOT to be freaking kidding me!!!!! Mexican Drug cartels have established a strong foothold inside the United States of America. The Obama Administration seems to care less. read the article;
Fence?? We don't need no stinking FENCE!!!!
from the article; Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, whose county lies at the center of major drug and alien smuggling routes to Phoenix and cities east and west, attests to the violence. He said his deputies are outmanned and outgunned by drug traffickers in the rough-hewn desert stretches of his own county. "Mexican drug cartels literally do control parts of Arizona," he said. "They literally have scouts on the high points in the mountains and in the hills and they literally control movement. They have radios, they have optics, they have night-vision goggles as good as anything law enforcement has. "This is going on here in Arizona," he said. "This is 70 to 80 miles from the border - 30 miles from the fifth-largest city in the United States." I'm telling you, this Administration is deliberately crashing our system. The economy. Military strength. National Sovereignty. Ronald Reagan would have those Mexican bastards dead or ran back into Mexico by now. We should immediately send in the National Guard to do just that.
Chines are fighting an arms race
The US is in danger of losing a near silent arms race--space based technology--to the Chinese. Obama and his cronies are too busy screwing around trying to ruin the economy and our way of life, they are purposely allowing the U.S. to fall behind in anti missile technology. If the Chinese succeed in building any sort of satellite based anti-missile weapons system, then our strategic billistic missile technology becomes near moot in their eyes. They would be perfectly willing to trade nukes on a near even scale with the U.S., their top Generals have said aas much-it's considered part of their standing military Doctrine. They have so many people, they could care less to lose a few million. Would we accept the loss of a few million?? from the article; "Our (U.S.) analysts determined there are two Chinese satellites in close proximity of each other," a defense official told Inside the Ring. "We do not know if they have made physical contact. The Chinese have not contacted us regarding these satellites." Are they freaking kidding?? They expect the Chinese to 'contact us' ?? They own so much of our national debt, they feel they can do whatever the hell they want to. And with this current bunch of naive, Marxist bastards in power in America, they can do just that.
Yeah, it's the Russians, but aren't they supposed to be a "Democratic" country now?? Hmm... what if the Government decided to crack down on free speech?? I wonder what that would look like?? Something like this;
"Democratic" Russians invade opposition magazine's offices
I mean, Obama's "Regulatory Czar" Cass Sunstein wants to censor Talk Radio & the Internet, and has spoken and written about it many times. Here's an informative article on that;
Cass Sunstein's despicable ideas on regulating the Internet
Think it can't happen in the good old U.S. of A ?? With a committed Marxist in charge, surrounded by Marxist Cabinet appointees and "Czars", it certainly can happen here.