Sunday, July 29, 2012
Obama Poised to Destroy 2nd Amendment ?
I find all this extremely disturbing.
To me, it appears that the Dept. of Homeland Security is preparing for an all-out assault on anyone who dares to exercise our right to assemble.
Now it also looks like they are going to use drones, and more ominously, the US MILITARY on the civilian population "if called upon".
US Military training with civilian police for use "if called upon"
The US Constitution is under direct assault.
The US population, at least those of us who have the audacity to protest, will follow in short order.
If Obama is re-elected, or decides he doesn't like the way the elections are going, some hard decisions will have to be made, by the police, military, and all those who honor the US Constitution.
I guess I just got bumped up a couple levels on The List...........
Homeland Security gears up for civil unrest prior to presidential elections
I wonder what they think (know) is going to happen during the election cycle?
I wonder why the Russian media is reporting this, but the US media chooses to ignore it?
Some sample comments from the article;
"Obummer's Black Panther police is in the waiting and they are going to make sure that Obummer's gangstas get to riot, burn, kill, loot, ... to make sure their "king" gets to stay in under Martial Law. Get ready to "lock n' load". Our "Chicago thug-of-a-prez" learned how to be divisive during his gangsta Chicago days. Liberals will stop at nothing to make sure they get their way."
"This article being the trial balloon, they must be planning a false flag attack so there is no election. Btw, call it United Nations Homeland Security."
From a Russian website, no less.
Monday, July 23, 2012
55 Percent Of Americans Believe That The Government Will Take Care Of Them If Disaster Strikes
"....The findings suggested that Americans have a false sense of security. Although the researchers found that more than 53 percent of Americans do not have a three-day supply of nonperishable food and water in their home, those surveyed believe they can survive in their homes for an average of 16 days in the event of a disaster...."
IMF Calls on Euro Authorities to Stand Behind Deposit Insurance
Let's see here.
The IMF can't do a blessed thing to forestall the "Eurozone crisis", the defaults of its member nations, but it wants the European version of the FDIC to guarantee deposits in other countries, against inevitable bank runs that will occur once the dominoes begin to fall.
Proof positive that they expect this situation to escalate into pandemonium.
Too Big To Fail - Fed Proposal Allows Banks To Seize Your Money
In other words, in the event of any kind of "run" on banks, your accounts would be frozen, and if banks need to seize their customers deposits to prevent them from failing then we must allow it.
I was wondering how long it would take before this happened.
Another brick in the Wall.
The Economic Collapse for Dummies
an enlightening 10 minute video that explains in a nutshell why all the efforts of governments to revive the economy will not work.
Scary stuff, but still, information we need to have in order to be able to protect ourselves from the gathering storms.
Turns out, Big Brother really IS watching; NSA Insider: YOU Are the Target:
Looks like the government believes that its own citizens are the enemy.
This, from an administration that refuses to call terrorists, well, terrorists, and created the term "man caused disaster" instead of terrorism.
You and I are the enemy of the State.
Welcome to the new reality.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Now it's CNN's turn to attack the Constitution
CNN's Piers Morgan Exploits 'Dark Knight' Tragedy To Push Leftist Agenda
To further alienate the dozens of viewers they have left, CNN's Piers Morgan issues the obligatory Leftist rant for gun control on his show.
It should be absolutely mandatory that anyone who criticizes the U.S., it's policies, and especially our Constitution, be a citizen.
So, in that vein, I say;
"shut the hell up, Piers. You have no right to say a damn thing about my Constitutional rights, jerk."
Quick, somebody revoke this guy's green card.
Progressives are using shootings to ramp up attack on Constitution
‘Dark Knight’ Shooting To Be Exploited For Political Grist
As if the Progressives needed an excuse for their hatred of the Constitution, this latest tragedy already has them waxing poetic in their renewed attracts on the Second Amendment.
Already they are trying to link the madman to Conservatives and the Tea Party.
And the Obama Campaign is only too happy to let them.