Monday, June 13, 2011

The Real reason Obama is calling for Israel to revert to 1967 borders

President Obama is anti-Semitic, plain and simple.
The first article was published well before Obama made his demand of Israel that they commit national suicide by reverting to their indefensible 1967 borders. How prophetic.

Anti-Semite Obama

The position by Obama and the UN amounts to nothing short of a wholesale sellout of the nation of Israel, and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the anti-semitism of our current President.
Come September 2011, we shall see how anti-Israel the rest of the UN membership are.

Obama has taken great pains to alienate Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu, has offended them at every opportunity, and his call for Israel to revert back to their 1967 border is absolutely ludicrous, as every expert on the subject agrees that this move would amount to national suicide.

The American news media have all but buried the story and its developments, but this is gathering momentum as September rapidly approaches.
You better believe this issue is being watched very closely in Israel and Europe, even if the US media are intentionally not reporting it.

We are watching this developing story closely, and will continue to update.
Please pray for the nation of Israel, and the US.


United Nations set for September sellout of Israel out to the "Palestinians"


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